Beat the Spring Rush and Plan Your Manhattan and Mokena, IL, Lawn Care Now

Beat the Spring Rush and Plan Your Manhattan and Mokena, IL, Lawn Care Now

Lawn care is essential to the health of your grass and plants and that is why enlisting the services of a lawn care specialist for your Manhattan and Mokena, IL, landscape can ensure your lawn is in tip top shape. These tips for planning your spring lawn care can help you have the type of lawn and landscape you want. 


What is Lawn Care?

Lawn care focuses on any task that boosts the health and growth of your grass. Left to itself, your grass would not likely thrive because conditions would not be ideal. However, these tips for applications to your grass can help you develop the lawn you envision. 

Fertilizer: It would be nice if the soil held all the nutrients and minerals your grass needs to stay green and lush but that is often not the case. This is where the proper applications of fertilizer at strategic times in the year can feed the roots and encourage vigorous growth. 

Fertilizer is composed of three primary nutrients that feed the grass leaves and roots. Nitrogen is for ensuring the grass plant is healthy and can produce its food through photosynthesis. It also helps with forming proteins which are the building blocks of all living cells. 

Phosphorus helps the grass plant store and use energy. Potassium helps your grass resist disease and pests by strengthening the root system and improving the quality of the plant. 

Ideally, fertilizer should have applications in early spring, mid-summer, and late fall. Too much fertilizer can burn the grass while too little does not feed the grass. 

Weed Control: Controlling the weeds can be as important as nurturing the grass. When you don’t prevent the weeds in your lawn, they can take over and ruin the appearance of your lawn. A lawn care professional can apply pre-emergent weed killer in the early spring to prevent weeds from germinating. 

Then, they apply a post-emergent weed killer in the fall to kill off the weeds that snuck through. These two applications can help your lawn thrive and choke out the weeds.

Pest Control: Grubs and other similar pests can feed on the fragile roots of the grass. When this happens, you might notice small hills or tunnels in your grass. This is because the pests devour the roots and leave you with dead patches of grass in the yard. 

A lawn care professional can help you prevent pests that destroy your grass with proper treatments to protect your lawn.

Fungus: When a lawn care service applies a fungicide to your grass, it can help to keep your grass fungus-free. Molds and other fungi can attack the grass and cause areas to die. This can happen especially after a winter where a portion of the grass was smothered beneath heavy snow and ice. If the leaves were not removed from the landscape, they can kill the grass too. Other fungi such as brown patch and summer patch can mar the gorgeous appearance of your lawn. 

When you want a lovely lawn and landscape but don’t have the time to invest in the work it requires, hiring a lawn care service can be the answer. They know the right additives and preventives to boost your grass and give you the thriving lawn you love.


Since 1989, Bob Tunzi has been designing, installing, and maintaining outstanding landscapes throughout the South Chicagoland area.

His passion for the outdoors led him to complete his education in landscape management and to fulfill certification requirements that set the foundation for a comprehensive landscaping service built on integrity.